Vermont Lutheran is a worship, mission, and fellowship-oriented church with about 275 members of all ages. We are a country church with a strong heritage. We are located midway between Black Earth and Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, off of Hwy. 78 on Vermont Church Road in beautiful Vermont Township.
Come see what we are all about!
Our Mission Statement
Vermont Lutheran Church is a congregation that CARES;
Christians Actively Reaching Out, Experiencing Christ and Spreading His Word
Our Vision Statement
God’s Work, Our Hands
See What Our Members Are Saying
We love being in Mission and our Mission is Love.
Our doors and hearts are open to all.
We, in Vermont, join our voices and hearts to sing the Lord’s praise, declaring His greatness and giving thanks for His steadfast love.
Living in God’s word, I come together with my church community to worship, to learn and to do God’s work in the world.
In Christ, all is forgiven. Through His forgiveness, we are freed up to do work in His vineyard.
Vermont Lutheran Church is a welcoming congregation, a fellowship of believers as evidenced by our mission outreach.
Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.