We Welcome You to Worship with Us
Experience a joyful, musical and faith-filled worship service with us at 9:30 am every Sunday. And all are invited to share in the celebration of Holy Communion on the First and Third Sundays of each month. There may be other times such as on holidays and the season of Lent.
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and a member congregation of the ELCA’s South-Central Synod of Wisconsin.
Our Service
Within our beautiful and historic sanctuary we follow a liturgy in our services that has been passed down for many generations. While being “traditional,” we enjoy the reverence of the Readings and Gospel, singing hymns chosen to fit the theme of the day, listening to the weekly song from our choir, hearing the Good News preached in a meaningful sermon, and being sent forth to do God’s Work with our hands.
Special Music
Music is an integral part of our worship, and we love to sing! We are blessed to have a wonderful choir of about 20 singers, one of the last church choirs for a congregation of our size, that presents a wide array of musical selections . We are always joyfully welcoming new choir members to our talented group. Soloists and instrumental treats are not uncommon as we share the joy that comes through music readily.
Come and See
We welcome all people, no matter what your faith background, your sexual orientation, your race, your age, your physical ability, or any other idea of “qualification.” And the fellowship hour following worship is nearly as important as the service itself. We truly are a welcoming, inclusive congregation!