Vermont Lutheran Church

Experience a joyful, musical and faith-filled worship service with us at 9:30 am every Sunday. Hear, learn and become equipped to spread God’s word with us by using your talents as a witness to serve others. Take a hike, sit on the patio, become mindful of your surroundings, and marvel at God’s creation with us while enjoying our Legacy Prairie & Woodland.

Church Announcements

Wisconsin State Journal Logo


Check out the article highlighting our prairie, hiking trails and QR codes.


You can now access the Vermont Creek.  It is a fabulous view with great trout fishing.

Also, enjoy our 13 Stations.  Activities will change regularly. Visit each station. Enjoy the trails often!


The Mazomanie based Christians In Action Food Pantry was delighted to receive the bounty of Condiments from Vermont! The very successful Condiments Drive led by Joanie Haugen and Team was delivered with ooohhhs and aaahhhhs from the CIA volunteers!


Our bluebird season is winding down.  There are 3 baby birds in one nest that haven’t fledged yet.  The wrens have taken over all of the other boxes.  This Fall I will clear those out in preparation for Spring.  FIFTY bluebirds will have fledged in our prairie this year once the last 3 leave the nest!!!  It is amazing how quickly new animals have found our woodland prairie and made it their home.

Upcoming Events

Our Community

Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.

Psalms 96:12