Sunday School
Vermont Lutheran Church offers Sunday school for students from Pre-School through 6th grade. Children attend the beginning of the worship service, then leave to the classroom following the Children’s Sermon. All Sunday School-aged children are welcome weekly or when visiting.
Each week, our teacher begins with a sharing session of highs and lows from the week, creating a safe space for the students to share and an atmosphere of trust.
2024-2025 Schedule
September 15 – Rally Day – day of games and fun
September 22 – October 6 – Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
October 6 – Sunday School will sing song during Children’s time
October 6 – Give out bibles to those 3rd grade and above
October 13 – November 3 – Naomi, Ruth and Boaz
November 3 – Sunday School will recite memory verse in Hebrew during Children’s Time (God’s Work Our Hands Day after the service)
November 10 – November 24 – Isaiah the Prophet (practice pageant songs during these lessons)
December 1 – December 8 – Christmas Pageant rehearsal (will also include confirmation kids in the program again this year)
December 14 – Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal
December 15 – Christmas Pageant during worship service
December 22 – Christmas Party during Sunday School
December 29 – No Sunday School
Rotational Curriculum
We use a rotational curriculum, where the same lesson is taught for 4 weeks. Each week the lesson is taught using different activities. Our belief is that each student learns differently and each will better learn the lesson through using this methodology. Cooking, Art, Music, Science, Gardening and Drama are all examples of activities included in the rotations.
The last week of each rotation, the children perform a song or short skit for the congregation, sharing what they have learned, often singing a song, using small hand bells and other percussion instruments.
Mission Project
Each semester, the students select a Mission Project. For Fall 2024 Sunday School will be raising funds to purchase Bibles to be distributed in Nigeria. For fall of 2023 they chose to purchase a Fish Farm through ELCA Good Gifts. They also donated funds to Second Harvest Food Bank.
And, we make use of our beautiful space by incorporating our woods, prairies and gardens into the lessons as the weather permits.
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.