Rosenbaum Memorial Garden
The Rosenbaum Memorial Garden is a heartfelt donation made by the late Max Rosenbaum in loving memory of his wife, Betty. Betty was a passionate gardener, and this beautiful space reflects her love for nature and dedication to nurturing life. Now, the garden stands as a tribute to both Max and Betty’s legacies, offering a peaceful place for the community to enjoy and remember their enduring spirits.

Hover over the image to zoom in and locate the numbers. Refer to the key below to find the Species/Common Name associated with each number.
- 1Achillea / Moonshine
- 2Allium / Mongolian Gem
- 3Asclepias / Tuberosa
- 4Ascelpias / Hello Yellow
- 5Aster f. / My Antonia
- 6Aster Novae / Angliae
- 7Camanula / Superba
- 8Coreopsis A. / Nana
- 9Coreopsis A. / Moonbeam
- 10Dianthus / First Love
- 11Dianthus / Firewitch
- 12Echinacea / Cheyenne Spirit
- 13Echinacea / Magnus
- 14Echinacea / Adobe Orange
- 15Eupatorium purpur / Little Joe
- 16Gaillardia / Amber Wheels
- 17Gallardia / Arizona Red Shades
- 18Gallardia / Kobold
- 19Grass Miscontis s. / Zebrinus
- 20Grass Parvicum v. / Northwind
- 21Hemerocallis /Little Grapette
- 22Hemerocallis / Strawberry Candy
- 23Iris pseudacorus
- 24Iris s. / Butter and Sugar
- 25Kniphofia / Flamenco
- 26Leucanthum / Snowcap
- 27Liatrus / Kobold
- 28Lupinus / Russel Hyb
- 29Monarda / Bubblegum Blast
- 30Penstemon / Prairie Snow
- 31Penstemon / Prairie Dusk
- 32Rubeckia / Goldsturm
- 33Salvia n. / Cardonna
- 34Saponaria / Max Frei
- 35Sedum s. / Fuldaglut
- 36Tanacetum c. / Niveum
- 37Trandescantia / Concord Grape
- 38Veronica l. / First Match
- 39Veronica / Snowmass
- 40Liatrus / White Spite (sub Alloa)
- 41Lilium / Aurelian Hybrid
- 42Helenium / Autumnale Mariachi Salsa