Vermont Lutheran Church

Experience a joyful, musical and faith-filled worship service with us at 9:30 am every Sunday. Hear, learn and become equipped to spread God’s word with us by using your talents as a witness to serve others. Take a hike, sit on the patio, become mindful of your surroundings, and marvel at God’s creation with us while enjoying our Legacy Prairie & Woodland.

Church Announcements

Station activities will change regularly. Visit each station. Enjoy the trails often!

Confirmation Mission Project

Confirmands are collecting Change for Change. Bring your spare change to church and throw it in the milk can located in the Narthex. They have collected $1,541.89 through the end of March and will continue to collect throughout the school year.

Upcoming Events

Our Community

Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.

Psalms 96:12