Hunter’s Safety Class
Anyone born on or after January 1, 1973, must have a hunter safety certificate to purchase a hunting license in Wisconsin. We will be hosting a Hunter Safety Training Course in the Gathering Place on March 21 and 22 under Wisconsin DNR guidelines and with qualified Hunter Safety Instructors. We will have slots for 20 student participants and there is no age restriction regarding enrollment. Adults are also welcome to participate and each session will begin at 6:30 pm and run until 9:00 pm. Instructional materials (a student workbook) will be provided and the enrollment fee of $10 per student (payable to the lead instructor) will be waived for any church member signing up. The classroom instruction will be followed by a “field training” exercise on Scott and Liz Herring’s property (on Hwy 78), on Saturday, March 23. This field training will begin at 8:30 am and run until 2:30 pm and will include the proper handling, loading and unloading, and firing of firearms on a prescribed shooting range, under Safety Instructor supervision. Please contact Bill Meddings at 608-630-1066 or wtm2@chorus.net to reserve your spot. Upon completion of the course, participants will be awarded their Hunter Safety Certificate and assigned a permanent Customer Number with the DNR. Thanks, Bill Meddings
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